

Baptism Photography

The Christian religious rite of sprinkling water on to a person’s forehead or of immersing them in water symbolizes purification or regeneration and admission to the Christian church. In many denominations, baptism is performed on young children and is accompanied by name-giving. It’s the day of Imelda’s baptism celebrations by the family and friends. The day Imelda takes her first step to Christianity. On such a special day, photography is very important as it will be a lifetime memory.

Imelda is such a chubby child, that we would be even thinking of eating her up. She made no discomfort for the photoshoot, and most of the time during the shoot we could find her asleep. She is her daddy’s baby girl and her mommy’s little princess. Even a smile on her face can make the day more beautiful for everyone around. We can see the family and the really close ones so happy to be on the occasion. Beautiful photographs could be taken of her, the thing to be noticed is that she was not crying during the function, she was a happy smiling cute little princess. Her parents are so lucky to be having a child like her.

An elaborated feast was arranged for everyone. The setting of the stage was so colorful. Sweets were distributed to everyone in the happiness of the ceremony. Later we had a baptism photography session with the guests arrived. We winded up the shoot by 3:00 pm. we the crew were extremely happy working with them and attending the baptism ceremony of Imelda. Imelda the beautiful child is actually a true gift of God.

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