Christian Wedding Photographers in Thrissur
Here introduce Dr. Selvin Thomas and Dr. Ann Reshma. They became new couples. Two had a traditional Christian look posing at their wedding ceremony at St joseph’s church Meloor. Both are working at Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute a private, non-profit Christian minority medical college, hospital, and research institute located in Thrissur in Kerala.
Their Christian wedding ceremony was captured in Talking Pictures by photographers in Thrissur. Different angle shots, elegant poses, lively smiles, and romance is also copying their cams and drones.
Dr. Selvin from Chalakudy, his family consists of a father, mother, and younger sister, who enjoy every moment, which is clearly expressed in the frame. And Dr. Ann from Ernakulam, her family is a father, mother, and siblings. Their arrival is well captured on camera.
While a majority of Christians agree on the definition of marriage as the union between a man and a woman, the definition has changed in different cultures and at different points in history, depending on the denomination.
The Christian church has long held that holy matrimony is a divinely ordained, lifelong monogamous union between one man and one woman, rooted in the Old and New Testaments.
The video starts with Dr. Selvin Thomas singing the song ‘ kanmani anbod’ it’s a musical game part. Dr. Ann’s Reshma and families enjoy these functions. It’s more precious and romantic moments. The auditorium is decorated with flowers, and lights and it’s also a classic look.
The Christian wedding style is characterized by the appearance of the couple. Dr. Selvin and a classic look wore a black coat and suit and Dr. Ann wore a white gown like a princess look. That was the awesome frame.
Entire family members were cheerful and more entertaining at the event. They are making colorful themes like fireworks, doing Christian rituals it’s very special to the family, singing, and dancing with entire siblings. It’s a wonderful moment with friends and family.
A couple of candid shots are so romantic and film entry like Ann walking in front with a bundle of flowers in her hand on the grass by the river bank and Selvin walking slowly behind, looking at each other face to face, with a mesmerizing smile, this frame so nice and elegant shot.
Reception is an outdoor setup, its decorations are fabulous themes are using like a bunch of light, different colors fireworks, a stage full of flowers work, the entrance of the bride and groom was made in a stunning style, their siblings and family more energy and entertainment, throughout the dance to exploring the event. Talking pictures wedding photographers clearly captured every little moment.
Christian marriage is a public vow between two people, intended by God for the mutual support and enjoyment of each other’s company for the rest of their lives.
We specialize in Christian wedding photography Thrissur to observe and capture entire special moments. Truly and hearty hardworking to create the best shots